September 5, 2013
TomTom has released the latest version of TomTom Traffic which now includes an innovative ‘jam ahead warning’ feature, which pinpoints the precise…
September 5, 2013
A series of recently-announced measures to improve cycle safety in London include the establishment of a new industrial heavy goods vehicle (HGV)…
September 5, 2013
The University of Tokyo and Mazda Motor Corporation have jointly developed a system involving wireless communications technology to prevent…
September 5, 2013
New figures from the UK Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency (DVLA) have revealed that motorists with up to 42 penalty points on their licence are…
September 5, 2013
Transport Minister Norman Baker has launched the UK government’s strategy, Driving the future today - a strategy for ultra low emission vehicles in…
September 5, 2013
After years of delays and cost overruns, the newly built US$6.4 billion eastern span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge opened with few problems…
September 5, 2013
Thales has been awarded a contract by Hong Kong’s metro operator, MTR Corporation, to provide signalling technology for Shatin to Central Link Phase…
September 4, 2013
The European Commission’s second annual award for outstanding sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP) has been launched with the theme of the ‘…
September 4, 2013
According to the Wall Street Journal, Siemens is to exit its electric vehicle (EV) charging points business, as demand and market development turned…
September 4, 2013
One of the ten key projects launched in 2006 by Korea’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport aims to build the world’s most intelligent…