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October 8, 2021

MobilityXX: ‘Women pay more for safe transport’

Laura Chace, new boss of ITS America, is fully behind the MobilityXX initiative, which promotes the role of women in transportation. She tells Adam Hill why the ’10 by 10’ target is so important…
MobilityXX transport equity women in transportation ITS America © Kevin Benckendorf |
October 8, 2021

Towards intelligent road infrastructure

A digital transformation is happening in the world today and the result is that Europe’s transport infrastructure, and also the car industry are experiencing revolutionary changes. Jēkabs Krastiņš looks at the challenges and plots the road ahead.
October 7, 2021

Bob Karr: 'I want to coin the term T2X'

Star Systems International focuses on providing transponders, readers and consulting services for Smart City initiatives and tolling operations. Adam Hill talks to SSI founder Bob Karr
Bob Karr Star Systems International tolling transponders
October 1, 2021

Animation: how much space do cars take up in our cities?

Covid has spurred discussion about how we want to live in the future and the reallocation of street space is a major subject for debate.

Today, most of our cities still have a car-centric focus - but this animation by PTV Group shows how long it takes to shift 200 people past a traffic light, using various modes of transportation.

Spoiler alert: cars don't come out of it very well...
