Need for performance standards for road user charging systems
GNSS-based road use metering systems need performance metrics, as well as ways to test and reliably compare them. Bern Grush and Joaquín Cosmen write about the function of the GNSS Metering Association for Road-use charging (GMAR), recently set up to address this issue
Financing the US road infrastructure – road user charging?
In the US, the National Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission's report to Congress will state that a national, distance-based charging is the only long-term solution to the country's infrastructure financing problems. The Commission's Chair, Rob Atkinson, talks to ITS International
Financing the US road infrastructure – road user charging?
In the US, the National Transportation Infrastructure Financing Commission's report to Congress will state that a national, distance-based charging is the only long-term solution to the country's infrastructure financing problems. The Commission's Chair, Rob Atkinson, talks to ITS International
Innovation in traffic control and management
Swarco is presenting its turnkey solution approach based on Omnia, a sophisticated software solution which encompasses fully automated and adaptive control principles as well as traffic-responsive and traffic-actuated strategies.
Autotoll wins Hong Kong transport contracts
Autotoll, Hong Kong’s leading ITS and RFID services provider in the transport and logistics sectors, has won contracts for three projects for Hong Kong’s Transport Department.
$175 million for ETC on bistate crossings
The Board of Commissioners of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has authorised the purchase of a new toll collection system for the agency’s six bi-state crossings, which will have the capability to accommodate all-electronic tolling in the future.
US traffic congestion climbing again
Traffic congestion in the US is back on the rise according to the 3rd Annual Inrix Traffic Scorecard. Analysing traffic flow from 2009 in the Top 100 metropolitan areas nationwide, the study found that gridlock across the US bottomed out in March 2009 and congestion levels have begun to bounce back, ending the year slightly ahead of 2008.
Dubai bus stops on Google Earth
In an initiative unprecedented across the Middle East and North Africa, Dubai’s Roads & Transport Authority (RTA) has teamed up with Google to upload Dubai public bus stop information on the digital space of Google Earth.
US enforcement regulation to deliver clearer guidelines?
Jim Tuton of American Traffic Solutions looks at the evolution of automated enforcement in North America
"Technological regulation will become more sophisticated at the federal level, giving states clearer guidelines" Jim Tuton
In just 20 years, photo enforcement in North America has grown from a single speed camera in a small town in Arizona to thousands of photo traffic enforcement cameras which are now operating in 350 communities spread across 27 states and three Canadian provinces. Most of these p
Cooperative infrastructure - the future for tolling?
Leading European tolling solution providers give a snapshot of how they think tolling's technological future will look
Flexible above ground radar detection
AGD Systems comes to Traffex with a range of new developments, such as the new Janus5 MRWL, which can provide information wirelessly up to 550m in urban and inter-urban environments, giving significant advantages over expensive underground ducting. Meanwhile, the AGD307 is a new compact, low-power 24GHz radar family that lends itself to deployment worldwide.
Need for balance on UK speed enforcement funding cuts
Trevor Ellis, Chairman of the ITS UK Enforcement Interest Group, considers the implications of the UK Government's decision to withdraw funding for road safety camera partnerships
Electronic vehicle registration ensures payment
Like most countries, Bermuda recognised that it was losing revenue through non-compliance with vehicle registration regulations and was equally concerned about vehicles that were not properly insured or put through annual inspections. Indeed, the tiny island state, with a population of around 65,000 people and some 30,000 vehicles, estimated it was losing more than US$1.4 million per year in tax-based revenue since approximately 8 per cent of vehicle owners were cheating the system.
Fleet and highway management, WIM, enforcement
Two Central Weighing Group companies are joining forces at Traffex this year to present a new range of vehicle management solutions. Central Weighing is an established market leader in Weigh In Motion (WIM) solutions for law enforcement and fleet management applications, with over 4,000 installations in over 40 countries. The latest Supaweigh 5000c slow-speed WIM, designed primarily for road tolling applications, will be on display for the first time.
Governments must look beyond short-term spending of public funds
Phil Pettitt, Chief Executive of innovITS, the UK's ITS Centre of Excellence, argues that governments need to look beyond the short-term when looking to pump-prime economic recovery with public funds. It seems, in the current economic climate, that a 'good' day is one in which no company is announcing job cuts or going into administration. Consumer demand is down and businesses are retrenching, cutting costs and fretting over the consequences of shrinking opportunities and order books. It has not been this
Intelligent road studs stand the test of time
Clearview Traffic Group is using Traffex to launch its new Astucia Flush Intelligent Road Studs and the newly updated Solar Powered Logging Studs.
Communications for cooperative infrastructures and safety
Scott Andrews of Cogenia Partners, LLC details the findings of the VII Proof Of Concept work carried out to verify the effectiveness of 5.9GHz-based communication for future US cooperative infrastructures
Camera companies join forces
Speed Check Services and Computer Recognition Systems have joined forces and Traffex will witness the official launch of Vysionics ITS - the new name for the combined companies.
Smart snowplough research
Researchers at the University of Minnesota are working on a method that helps snowploughs determine exactly where slippery patches are and to target those specific areas with their sand-and-salt mixtures.
European trends in environmental monitoring and enforcement
David Crawford surveys European trends in environmental monitoring and enforcement