So, if you’d like the full story then head for Cubic’s booth to learn how municipalities worldwide are simplifying traffic management with the company’s congestion management technologies to enhance intersection safety and efficiency and to improve roadway planning and simulation. How, through monitoring real-time roadway and intersection conditions, signal timing adjustments can be automated (based on demand) to reduce vehicle stops and improve the driver experience.
Traffic engineers can now quickly respond to congestion or incidents by changing traffic signal timings and communicating the best routes to drivers using technologies such as Synchro Studio v12, ATMS, the Gridsmart solution, Scout controller software and Signal Performance Measures (SPM).
And now SPM 2.0 provides an innovative approach to cycle-based performance measures, with actionable insights for faster and better-informed decision making. It also leverages interactive diagrams, map-based user interface and customisable reporting to improve operational efficiency.
So, take a trip to Cubic’s booth to hear how its capabilities can enhance traffic management in your communities and view its live demos, too.
Booth 1841