Miovision Core DCM is a full-stack ITS solution for managing and analysing intersections. The open, secure platform provides wireless connectivity and communications. It is equipped with a high-performance NVIDIA Volta GPU to process detection and count data at the source, providing the power to make real-time decisions with accurate and complete data.
Meanwhile, Miovision Traffop software helps traffic departments keep traffic infrastructure and operations in peak performance. From maintenance issues like erratic detector behaviour or breakdown, to operations issues such as coordination and cycle failure, Traffop uses the available infrastructure. It continually scans the data and provides actionable insights according to severity and priority of the problem.
Live demonstrations will be held of Miovisions newest products, and the company is looking forward to explaining how it can work with cities to develop the solutions they need. As the company points out, its AI-powered platform helps communities improve traffic efficiency at the intersection and make roads safer for all types of road users - vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians. Miovision solutions are an important tool in cities’ efforts to reduce GHG emissions - by helping cities optimise traffic signal timing.
Stand: 1923