ITS World Congress 2024

September 18, 2024
Hyper-network at next year’s ITS Asia Pacific Forum in Suwon, Korea, where the theme will be hyper-connected cities. Suwon is a prominent tourist…
September 18, 2024
Now, RTMS Echo, a next-generation radar from Sensys Networks, takes this technology further as visitors to the company’s stand will see.
September 18, 2024
Qualcomm Technologies is a Presenting Partner at this year’s ITS World Congress, and a hectic week started yesterday with a keynote address during…
September 18, 2024
Ready to experience the cutting-edge of intelligent transport systems? Visit the TTS Italia stand and dive into the heart of Italy’s thriving ITS…
September 18, 2024
Kapsch TrafficCom’s Carolin Treichl talks to Daily News about opportunities for tolling and traffic management in Africa and Europe
September 18, 2024
Precise location of road damage is guaranteed using GPS tagging from ScanwAi’s AI-powered digital monitoring system. Its system captures high-…
September 18, 2024
Vehicle-type and traffic-volume data collection in real-time and predictive congestion planning for road agencies just got easier with new optical…
September 18, 2024
The Italian city of Florence has been using software to issue traffic control permits since 2010 to manage activities within transportation…
September 18, 2024
On the Tesla stand, lunch is being served. Or it will be one day, by a Tesla robot that has the same AI and sensor technology as the new fully…
September 17, 2024
“Thankyou for coming to celebrate the future!” said Dr. Michio Kaku, futurist and theoretical physicist. “History belongs to those who dare to…