ITS World Congress 2024

September 18, 2024
United under the brand Umovity, PTV Group and Econolite adopt a holistic strategy to enhance mobility by prioritising safety, intelligence, and…
September 18, 2024
Euro NCAP has revealed its 2025 Roadmap for car safety, highlighting child presence detection (CPD) systems as essential technology. Both the US and…
September 18, 2024
Q-Free is celebrating the launch of its newest and most comprehensive tolling back-office system. After years of development with insight from global…
September 18, 2024
Discover the future of urban traffic management with ST Engineering’s Agil Urban Traffic Management System. This cutting-edge, AI-driven platform…
September 18, 2024
If you’re taking your driving test in the emirate of Abu Dhabi, you won’t be assessed by a human. Before you are awarded a licence, Tatweer’s smart…
September 18, 2024
In the world of traffic management, having reliable data is key to making informed decisions. Stalker Radar’s Traffic Data Collector 2 (TDC 2), being…
September 18, 2024
RAK Police in the UAE has become the first police force to acquire the latest version of Intertraff’s new D-cop Mobile dual version, an advanced…
September 18, 2024
Accuver, a global leader in mobile network testing solutions, has expanded into the Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) market through its recent acquisition…
September 18, 2024
Cohda Wireless is displaying what it claims is arguably the most advanced and mission-ready connected vehicle technology solution available, the MK6…
September 18, 2024
For 30 years, Cross Zlín has been at the forefront of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) and Smart City innovations and here in Dubai the company is…