ITS: Can powered two wheelers benefit from new technology deployments?

The third European Motorcyclists' Forum, to be held on 5-6 March 2014 in Brussels, will focus on intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the context of the Horizon 2020 initiative. Powered two wheeler (PTW) users are using new technology to improve their riding experience or to increase their safety, but as vulnerable road users, they are also affected by ITS deployment. The Forum, organised under the umbrella of the Riderscan project, will discuss the safety challenges faced by PTWs in an ever more
UTC / December 20, 2013
The third European Motorcyclists' Forum, to be held on 5-6 March 2014 in Brussels, will focus on intelligent transport systems (ITS) in the context of the Horizon 2020 initiative.

Powered two wheeler (PTW) users are using new technology to improve their riding experience or to increase their safety, but as vulnerable road users, they are also affected by ITS deployment.

The Forum, organised under the umbrella of the Riderscan project, will discuss the safety challenges faced by PTWs in an ever more connected transport system including: EU transport/mobility challenges, safety strategies and the role of ITS-EU policy orientations and motorcycling integration; motorcycling and ITS challenges, addressing research and deployment issues; practical considerations related to the use of PTWs in Europe; priorities and challenges faced by the motorcycling sector both at EU and national level; and recommendations for optimal integration of PTWs into ITS-driven policies.