Daimler investing carpooling company

Daimler AG is investing in carpooling.com GmbH which claims to be the world's leading ridesharing network, transporting one million people a month across Europe. The platform is available on the Internet, on smartphone apps and Facebook. The company claims it has experience globally in bringing together ride-sharers for both medium- and long-distance trips, as well as for commuting. By reviewing profiles and ratings users know exactly who they are traveling with. In addition to rides, the company's platform
July 27, 2012
2069 Daimler AG is investing in carpooling.com GmbH which claims to be the world's leading ridesharing network, transporting one million people a month across Europe. The platform is available on the Internet, on smartphone apps and Facebook. The company claims it has experience globally in bringing together ride-sharers for both medium- and long-distance trips, as well as for commuting. By reviewing profiles and ratings users know exactly who they are traveling with. In addition to rides, the company's platform also offers bus, rail and airline tickets.

The goal of the partnership is to further expand carpooling.com's platforms and intelligently integrate the offerings within Daimler's mobility solutions. The partners will be benefiting from each other's experience in connection with customer needs, technical systems development, as well as in international rollouts of successful mobility concepts.

"We view ridesharing as an important element of intelligently networked mobility. Our engagement in carpooling.com is a logical step in offering our customers an even wider range for getting from Point A to Point B," notes Wilfried Steffen, who heads up business innovation at Daimler.

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