March 11, 2013
In a bid to prevent the overloading of trucks, the Walloon Region of Belgium is to introduce a dynamic weigh in motion (WIM) system. Sensors…
March 11, 2013
The Thai government is expanding its current transportation systems with plans for 55 transportation projects worth US$72 billion which are expected…
March 11, 2013
Thousands of UK motorists caught speeding on two stretches of the M62 in Warwickshire could have their convictions overturned because the wrong font…
March 11, 2013
After two years of planning, all-electronic tolling will begin on San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge on 27 March. In 2011, when the bridge district…
March 8, 2013
The UK’s Hampshire Constabulary’s Safer Roads Unit has recently introduced new mobile speed enforcement technology to combat excessive speeds on the…
March 8, 2013
Italian communication systems and display technology provider Aesys has announced the appointment of Oliver Wels as the sales and marketing director…
March 8, 2013
Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is committed to implementing all-electronic tolling (AET) by the middle of 2016; the Tobin…
March 8, 2013
Sensys America, US partner of Swedish supplier of enforcement systems, Sensys Traffic, has received an order worth US$630,000 for speed and red light…
March 8, 2013
Siemens is to provide the UK’s Electric Corby with its CP500A AC electric vehicle (EV) charging points at the first of ten locations in Corby, with a…
March 7, 2013
Florida’s Hillsborough Area Rapid Transit Authority (HART) is testing a smartphone application that would inform passengers in real time when buses…