Simulation-based optimisation is the foundation for real-time predictive analytics when it comes to optimal traffic signal programming, explain Sunny Chakravarty of Econolite and Lorenzo Meschini of PTV Group
Seed funding can help the budding creators of mobility solutions to realise their dreams and ambitions. Laura Fox of Streetlife Ventures tells Adam Hill what venture capital investors look for
JTA Research Lab has been created to identify critical transportation policy questions, and get academics to help solve them. Pencils sharpened? Nathaniel P. Ford explains…
Weigh in Motion vendors are frustrated that OIML accreditation is not proving to be enough to satisfy tenders in some countries. In this article, the board of the International Society for Weigh in Motion suggests a possible way forward…
What will automated driving really be good for? Bern Grush of Urban Robotics Foundation offers his thoughts on the big issues around its implementation - and suggests a newly-published book might point the way forward
Tattile has provided its high-performance free-flow ANPR system consisting of Vega Smart 2HD camera and Axle Counter cameras - powered by artificial intelligence - to the capital of Argentina. David Arminas reports
Wayne Reed of AtkinsRéalis explains why IBTTA's Open Space sessions have the potential to generate great ideas through meaningful discussion - and to have an impact way beyond a 'talking shop'
The effects of Covid are still being felt. David Arminas considers how the pandemic has affected toll revenue on Seattle’s newish SR99 tunnel – and looks at the traffic management and emergency plans in place for drivers
Many US states are establishing road safety programmes that will inspire others. TJ Tiedje, vice president commercial at Verra Mobility, explains why this is important
A collaboration between AGD Systems and North Line Canada has demonstrated the value of traffic experts putting their heads together to improve pedestrian safety
Interest in Vehicle to Everything technology is intensifying, says Przemysław Krokosz at Mobica, although it still requires a critical mass of users to make it work
Banning right-hand turns after stopping for a red light is gaining momentum in the US. But the debate continues about whether it will result in fewer incidents between vehicles and alternative mobility users. David Arminas reports
Laura Chace, president & CEO of ITS America, talks to Adam Hill about knowledge gaps, Phoenix, the pace of change, digitalisation, AI - and the importance of authenticity…